Approaches to Crime
The five major perspective in psychology are biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and humanistic.
An approach is a perspective or to handle criminality or different
views that involves certain assumptions as beliefs about the criminal behavior,
how they function, which aspect of them will be essential of study and what
research methods are appropriate for undertaking this study. If we have to
study about that approach we need to go through some of the theories but such
theories shares these common assumptions.
There are certainly some of essential theories are like 1)
Behaviorist Approach or Perspective 2) Psychodynamic Approach 3) Cognitive
Perspective 4)Biological Psychology
Many times we have a question that why there is need of many
other theories if one theory is sufficient, so here most of the psychologist
agreed that not a single approach is sufficient if we considered the earliest
development of approaches it was said that only behaviorist approach is the
truth and final scientific one. These are the approaches are strength or as
power and weakness also these are only to understanding the human behavior. So
it’s just we have different type of approaches and perspective on the
understanding and study of human and animal behavior.
The psychological approaches are mainly connected to find out what are the things which mainly influences to criminal behavior. such psychological approaches are based on theories.
1) Biological Approach
The Biological approach includes all thinking, thoughts,
feelings and behavior which is because of biological causes behind it. Its one
the approach which is not only study biological physical out sider factors it’s
also considers the factors like study of brain, genetics, hormones and the
immune and nervous systems.
Bio chemical researches tried to concentrate over the hormonal
affect over the action and mental state of the person, study stated that hormonal
imbalance in effect on criminality. Such hormonal imbalance adverse effect over
the thinking power of the brain and emotional reaction of the brain and control
over nervous system and it may turns in criminality. The hormonal imbalance is
responsible factor somewhere but not all time considered.
The Prof. Gillin and
Prof. Smith supports and focused over the physical abnormalities to responsible
of criminality. They believed that amongst abnormal personalities endocrine
glands (inside flow hormones) function abnormally and instigate commission of certain
crime. Sexual incapacities of person may results frustration and personal and
social insecurity and maturity it results different types of immoral crimes in
society. Such as abnormal and over developed personalities in society being subject
of attraction to toward immoral crime against them. In biological factor most
of the inherited behavior adopted functions.
These are the biological factors are on the base of social expectation that every human being need to be behave as the same but due to some physical abnormality and biological illness makes person different form other human beings and certainly he hide himself, to live districted life or he may become most violent person as he physically challenged some of the physically abnormality found in outside or some times its very minute that unable to understand unless physical examinations. Many biological psychologist are involved in study to understand the criminality through various biological, physiological, hereditary and genetics influence and to relate them to psychological and behavior changes. it's to be considered that all behavior is controlled by the central nervous system. it that way the biological psychologist are trying to understand how brain functions are responsible to change in behavior. such behavior includes sensation and perception, motivated behavior as like thrust, test, hunger, sleep, sex etc. and control of this movements, learning and its memory functions, sleep and biological functions and its affected emotions. but now a days we have very advanced methods to assess the biological factors which responsible for criminality or any violent behavior as like language, decision making learning, reasoning and consciousness activities are studied in this factors.
Hereditary Theory of Criminology
The scientific theory of hereditary strongly suggest that the criminality is transferred from the generation to another. as like some of disease are transferable form generation to generation like thyroid, cold, code (skin whitening), early hair fall, whiteness in hair etc. are the basic examples but physical characteristics like voice, intelligence, interests, choice of color, favorite food, fear etc. many more characteristics are transferred from parents to children.
As like hereditary as as cause of criminal tendencies, genes play a role through the like of an individual. Lombroso was the first criminologist to make connection with heredity with criminality. as per his assentation he said criminal made by birth called as atavist and said that such criminal will not be changed or incorrigible. such atavist tendencies them due to hereditary influences. in such studies Goring, Healy, Sheldon and Glueck on hereditary as factor of crime causation its impossible that hereditary is single factor responsible cause the environment of that person is plays vital role to create criminality.
there are certain wild tribes, races, class as gypsies in western Eurape are from many years indulged in criminality for generation as they habitually peruse criminal traits to choose the criminality as way of like. such point of hereditary is only some of specific cases considered but as we considered the hereditary son, brothers, and sisters have similar tendencies because of hereditary as like similar behavior and twins are having more similar behavior. as like some of the families are criminal and their tendencies transfer to nest generation but such example are no accepted by some of the other psychologist. the criminologist of Cryil Brut, in 19% of the cases, the relative of young delinquents committed serious crimes. according to a study of Paul Popenoe, relating to identical and fraternal twins, out of 145 cases of identical twins, both members were criminals in three fourth and only one in the the other fourth, in case of fraternal twins, both were criminal in only three of cases. but finally just heredity is not responsible for crime but other factors are also plays vital role to make a person criminal.
Behaviorist Approach
There are many times we observed that the behaviorist psychologist are in white coat and standing in lab and observing the rates and provides them some medication and discussion on the dinner table. this is in our mind actually that behavioral psychology. now the behaviorism is different in controlled environment and is such difficult task to control the human environment of human than animals these are the some of behavior count as actual behavior or learned behavior. in this theory psychologist are observes how a stimuli means environmental factors affects the responses as behavior.
In this theory the approaches proposes two main process that where human learn from their environment called as classical condition and operant conditioning. here the classical conditioning is the learn behavior from association and operant conditioning means learning from the consequences and accidents of behavior.
The theory of classical conditioning is firstly coined by the Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov. he observed that how a natural conditions and natural stimuli affects to the development of behavior at large. he used an experiment over a dog that a bell used to give food to dog with other sound a dog realized and known about the sound when he will get the food by the sound that connection with bell and sound. the principals and study of classical conditioning is used in many therapies like the systematic like the systematic desensitization for Phobias and aversion therapy ( that thing we hate most)
Behaviorism is scientific methodology of controlled experiments and such observed behavior must be studied and objective measured. this is the they which rejects the idea of free will and its provides the only environment of person control of all the behavior. although the environment person learns that is natural stimulus such
Behavior theory concentrate over all human behavior as normal, consequential, accidental, violent are the learned behavior and which is interaction with the social environment. the profounder of this theory are argued that person not born with the violent or criminal behavior its continuous process which is learned through day by day experiences in the social life. such experiences, encouragements and stimulations are the behaviorist development such observation adoption of violent behavior might be adapted from the friends, parents and family being gifted as violent behavior even with the Hugh impact of media. in 2002 the psychologist Brothol said that the some of the studies are provides that those who live in violent communities learn and accept the aggressive behavior of their surrounding. this behaviorist theory suggest some of the examples of violent behavior a stress in life, aggressive skill and learning behavior and observation, believe violence will be socially rewarded, enhancing social self-esteem. And some of the other theories are made on social learning like differential association theory, sub culture theory and neutralization theory. such theories provides are made connection with criminological theories.
Cognitive Approach / Theory
Cognitive is the ability to process the information, its just ones ability to learn the information quickly, memories and understand the information what they receive. cognitive theories of crime are fall under psychological theories of criminal behavior. there are many more theories are there which attempts to explain criminal behavior. this theory is also many psychologist and sociologist going to understand, evaluate and explain reason of crime. cognitive theory of crime explain criminal behavior as defect in moral thinking, thought process and mental development. there are many reasons of crime and many more theories are there but this is the theory that try to explain different type of criminal behavior as defect and illness in moral thinking, thought process, and mental development. and this theory helps to understand and evaluate how any person's personality and intelligence level are connected to delinquency and violent behavior in person and society. this theory has very wide study but here just concentrate on some of the essential factors.
The Cognitive theory is that whole world around us and what we grasp from it as related how we think and what type of factors influence our mental development as effect of family manners, parental control, personality and intelligence and its also effects in theory that how a person develop morally in our thought process.
for example. in a family a boy regularly observing how his father abusing, insulting and injuring his mother as male dominating tendency of family, such process continuous to many years and under that circumstance child develops his mentality and there after he is abusing his partner himself. his perception and mentality negative impact towards the women. its all because of poor parenting model. but some times its also been observed by the such boy also stand against the father abuse and protected the mother and respected towards the female in society.
Cognitive theory is cognition if we are going to understand the criminal tendencies of human that time actually we need understand the what he is actually thinking. in this theory psychologist are involve in perspective study in which the mental act or process by which knowledge is acquired. so basically this theory makes study of mental functions as memory, perception and attention as like the computer process like similar that input information computer process in and provides the output as like process of the human brain also process the data and store data and provides the output.
This is extremely scientific approach and typically uses in lab experiments to study human behavior. such theory has many applications including cognitive therapy and eyewitness testimony.
This theory concentrate on how as person reacts towards any situation, how he solve a question how he notice social environment specially how an offender recognize the environment. this theory is connected with crime and violence. it means the person who involved in the crime is having very less moral standards. today both male and female are involved in the crime. many times the molestation or sexual harassment type fake and forge cases are filed by the women. so here women also indulge in various crimes like domestic violence, kidnapping and transportation of children, fake FIR, harassment to parent for property and harassment of husband. such crime ratio are increasing day by day. these are the humans are being less values such cases was very less in the society compare to now days.
There are many more examples are where in this theory ego is also plays vital role while commission of crime. if we feels that if someone ego hurt by other such person becomes violent and such thing may be happen with any type of relationship. so there are many more environmental phenomena that any person what actually gets to hurt himself and becomes violent towards any person.
Finally cognition involves the mental activity involving understanding, thinking, remembering and language process. such may be involve as learning and teaching that person focus on the understanding of information and concept. there should be come of the connection between concepts, breakdown information and rebuild with the logical connections.
Psychoanalytical Approach to Crime (Psychoanalytic Theory)
This theory to be known as personality theory. which is depends on the idea that person becomes motivated and influenced through the unknown forces which forces makes controlled by the conscious and the rational thought process.
Sigmund Freud nearly worked on this theory. as per his study the personal behavior is formed through interaction between three components of the mind like ID, Ego and Super Ego.
Id: Id is just like self information, what actual person to be known is his own identity. what is his name. education, likes dislikes, fear what he known himself from internal and outer side basically.
Id is primary part of the mind that require to gets immediate fulfilment of biological or instinctual need (internal desires). the primary need are biological needs basic needs and these are the higher internal needs and such needs are natural or unlearned needs. for examples hunger, thrust, sex, watch, hear, fear, revenge, cry, sleep etc. such Id is the unconscious part of the mind which are the hidden inside of the human mind, these are the tendencies are convert into the desire without having any though of write or wrong.
id is like instant reaction toward your requirements and wants for example if you are playing a ball which belongs to you if suddenly any person posses in your reaction to get it or snatch it so here there is no need any special information to be processed by the mind.
Ego: Ego is the reasoning and logical and conscious awake part of the mind which is based on the reality of the fact principle. it means Ego plays vital role in between Id and Super Ego and it maintain balance between them in real life situation. its check and balance formula of mind to maintain dignity and self protection and ego is based on the Id and Super Ego trough satisfying desire to getting boll from the other without committing any unpleasant behavior or buy new ball.
Ego is that thing in the mind which knows the ones personality better way such ego is responsible to protect the personality, to firstly fulfil the desires, to make secure ones personality is matters most through the Ego factor. its depends on how much some ones Ego is strong it depends on person to person.
Super- Ego: The state of mind of super ego is based on the adoption of social and moral values that an individual inculcates (implement in mind). its an action as ethical constrain on behavior and helps an individual to develops his conscience. person individually grows in society. he accepts cultural values and norms of the society which makes and helps him to differentiate between right and wrong. as social norms rules and regulations accepted. though person restricted oneself the which should not be hurt towards the society.
as per example of ball person should not involve in quarrel and will be the good conversation with person who possessed such ball.
Sigmund Freud
The Founder of Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis is a special type of therapy which object bring out hidden and suppressed emotions and memories which is used to treat the patient according to McLeod.2014. in other words the therapy of psychoanalysis is just like a person talking to another person about the most essential question in life that he never ever expressed with anyone. it means whatever is hidden in the mind of person to bring outside it means the what ever exist in the unconscious or subconscious mind which brought out side in consciousness,
Meaning of Conscious mind: means fully awake situation, auctioning party of mind with surrounding.
Meaning of unconsciousness of mind: Not awake and aware of one responding to one's environment, just like sleeping mode. not aware of surrounding..
unconscious mind is 90% of our mind which storage device of information and which controls our involuntary movements. when we sleep our conscious mind goes to sleep but our unconscious mind is working 24 hours. other side we can say conscious mind is functioning party with surrounding of us. it means when any accident done we lose our consciousness and partly block the pain as like we sleep and awake.
Meaning of Subconscious of mind (Pre-Conscious) : concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which one is not fully awake but which influences one's action and feelings. in simply means we can say half sleeping and half awake (Narco test which makes person in different stages of anesthesia generally in subconscious mind.)
Sigmund Freud was very controversial Psychologist. was born in Austria and spent childhood in Vienna (Austria) city studied in medical school and trained as neurologist and got medical degree in 1881. the done private practice and worked over psychological disorder of the patients. he observed some of the physical symptoms with no apparent physical cause there. the found that there is connation to the mind it was recovered by the traumatic experiences of memory which was suppressed or hidden in her conscious mind name of patient Anna O (original name Bertha Pappenheim).
later Fraud worked over the theory and find out the therapy to evaluate and make correction to the patients.
Freud has successful to develop theory and understanding to use to heal human mind. he made the new dimension to psychology and upheld psychology on very different level. as per discussed study he divided mind in there essential categories and groups like conscious in this is the place where current thought , feelings and focus kept in awake situation. then preconscious or subconscious is that place that everything we can recall or retrieve form our memory. and unconscious is that place of mind resides a respiratory of the processes that drive our behavior, including primitive and instinctual desires as per the findings of McLeod in 2013 later Fraud made many modules of mind which was actually connected with original one.
this theory in not completed here Fraud made vital changes in this theory and some other psychologist also made contribution to develop this theory and its related treatment to heal the problems of human mind.
We knows that many theories faced criticism as like this theory also faced criticism as like criticized by may psychologist that this theory having lack of imperial date and manly focus on pathology that cure the problems and diseases of persons and theory also did not concentrate over the personality and environment of such person. as theory also says such problems created in person form his childhood on that basis other said that its inconclusive only on one responsible factor that life is long only one factor should not be considerable.
Psychodynamic Theory and Crime
The psychodynamic Theory can be called as collection of different different types of psychological theores which impcts of human drives and funcitioning specially about the unconcious drives. the childhood experiences which developes the adulthood personality and its relatied relationship with act, action and charater of the person.
In the primitive stage the of the research the Charles Goring had studied near about 3000 criminal in jail in the England and he realized that the criminals are insane unintelligent with possession of poor social behavior. there after the Gabriel Tarde said that only 1 out of 100 person is creative and remaining coping to one another.
Psychodynamic approach is wide approach that psychoanalytical which influence of social factors it also connects to the biological instincts which represented by the Id as nature which formal shaped by the social and cultural environment.
During the 1890 and also 1930 Sigmund Freud develop variety of psychological theories which are based on experiences with the patients while conducting therapy and made research in book of The Interpretation of Dreams in that he mentioned about approach to therapy of psychoanalysis, over that he has given many lectures with traveled in America.
in psychodynamics he observed the people exhibited psychological symptoms with on biological basis. He find out symptoms could not be prevented by conscious will it must arises from the unconsciousness and the symptoms are the results of the unconscious will opposing the conscious will, an interplay he dubbed (unofficial name) as Psychodynamics.
Here this theory also the blessing of Sigmund Freud for the contribution to this theory and he believed that some of the rare personalities insufficiencies may develop into serious mental issues and illness. which he already said that personality involves the three parts Id is based on pleasure principle which involves drives, wishes, urges and goals, also includes love, sex and aggression and anger are main components then Ego is connected with the balance reality or testing reality that how to get to achieve any goal. to understand the need to control the need and to achieve the long term beneficial goal. then Super Ego is concerned with the social morality its highly focus on what is good and bad so its better things to developed the personality.
As per the teaching of this theory crime causation responsible factor is Super Ego. if there is poor development of Super Ego where Id and Ego is chooses the violent cause of action to fulfill need in as early way with hurt to the person and society as theft, robbery and violation of law without thinking of long term effects but concentrate over the short term pleasure so it includes the delinquent behavior of the person. this is the basic presumption behind the crime.
There after some of the theories which involved in the Psychodynamics are believed that some of the things mainly influence our personality and behavior are of our unconscious mind such as traumatic childhood experience as shock, trauma, accident or unwanted any event as like parental rejection, absence of child mother bonding is root cause of crime.
Again we have to understand that psychoanalysis is the part of Psychodynamics and Psychodynamics not only concentrate over the one theory but it consist many theories to understand and study of such psychological dynamics of crime. so Psychodynamics theory also concentrate over the social learning theory that people learn violence and aggression through process of behavior modeling and children learns such thing from different sources of society, family interaction, environmental experiences, mass media also support to be delinquent behavior. this theory also concentrates over the behavioral theory that thinks behavior is also been developed through learning experience as in ideal situation should be good behavior promotes awards and bad behavior involves the negative reactions and punishment. its to be known as deviant behavior as learned response to life situation.
The psychoanalysis is psychological therapy which is rarely used in its original form but now its used in very shorter version of some of the cases.
Psychoanalysis is applied aspect practical aspect its a therapy of Freud's Psychodynamics theory but its district form from basic assumptions of this theory. its a treatment procedure also involves practice or training procedure to deeper understanding of patient leading to disabling the symptoms or psychopathological elements of sufferings.
its systematic structure of theories concerning relation to conscious and unconscious psychological process.
Psychodynamics is form of clinical psychology. as founder said personality as is the result and outcome of the a dynamic interplay of conscious, that decides the human behavior and attitude and the way of life of the person.
Its to be said that psychoanalysis is always psychodynamics but not all psychodynamics are psychoanalysis.
Human Aggression
As per psychology the term Aggression is as way of behavior that can be reflect in physical and psychological harm our self, other person and any other of the object from the surroundings. its one type of behavior on center level that injuring to another by physically or mentally so behind so many reasons its naturally, intentionally or mental health disorder or medical disorder also. there are many form of aggression like physical, verbal, mental and emotional.
we only think about he physical form of aggression but such as hitting, pushing, by words are the many form of Aggression.
Aggression is very well know word in daily life which shows the behavior any person and our self also. the aggression has many kinds that it can be express through many behavior of the person. its difficult to define because persons showing their aggressive nature by words, expression, action, reaction, to hurt someone, to harm, by injury and by many ways are of aggression we can express. not only the common people every need to do this aggression..
The some the social psychologist denied that aggression as behavior that is intended to harm another individual who does not wish to be harmed, as per the study of Baron & Richardson in 1994 because in provides the perception of intent, so the ones aggression is not aggression of the another but sometimes someone's action can become aggression of the another. so the aggression of someone's is the depends on understanding of the thing. when in any sport players suddenly accidently touches one another, a salesman calling again and again, dentist removing tooth paining badly can be considered by person as aggression.
The psychologist use the term Violence to refer as to aggression that has extreme physical harm, such as injury or death. the violence is subject of aggression. so all violent acts are aggression, but only acts that are intended to cause extreme physical damage, such as murder, assault, rape and robbery are violent. the psychologist though that aggression can be physical and verbal that harm physical and harm to the emotions, mentality and character of the person.
some psychologist also defined the aggression in the children's of non physical violence like gossiping, spreading rumors, criticizing people, bullying, leaving groups, making opinion, threatening to close relationship, jealous..
Purpose of Aggression:
- To show what you wants to say
- To show anger and hate
- To show dominance over objects
- To threat any one to group
- To achieve goals
- To show fear.
- Reaction about pain
- To compete other.
Two types of Aggression
1) Emotional or Impulsive
Such aggression is unplanned or sudden by situation. aggression is that type of aggression that occurs with only a small amount of intent and that is determined primarily by impulsive emotions. its also known as affective aggression which has cauterized by strong emotions, usual anger. but we can say its not planned its sudden behavior towards the reaction with any situation as like accidental reaction towards any situation.
2) Instrumental or cognitive
Aggression it means aggression is intentional and planned its cold and calculated. its just like aggression is having aim to hurt someone to gain something like attention, monitory rewards or political power. aggression is that believes an easier way to obtain the goal. such aggression can be called as predatory aggression, such aggression is that behavior intended to achieve a larger goal. such aggression is carefully planned aggression and its usually exist. it major responsible to get monitory gain.
Factors Influence Aggression
1) Biological Factor: men are more aggressive that women as our men dominating society and they always involved in biological aggression but women are less biologically aggressive but women involved in non physical aggression but divert in verbal aggression, rational aggression and social rejection.
2) Environmental Factor: Surrounding effect over person, family, neighbor and society and peer group influence over person to made him aggressive.
3) Physical Factor: alcohol abuse, mental illness, insane, denied social norms, brain injuries are personal causes that makes person aggressive.
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