Mental Illness and Crime
From the very beginning psychology going to find out the reasons behind the crimes and as soon as the development in psychology in the various field and as per the study of schools of criminology here found that not a single factor is responsible for criminality. still in the modern psychological development we just have the treatments to correct person after the crime not before it protect the society from such evil effects. not only psychology but various sciences made study to evaluated the crime in their point of view and those things we have been applied in our social system and laws to make its effective control. now in this article we are going to find out that is there mental illness is connected with the crime and if we cure it can we reduce the criminality from the society is the biggest challenge before the psychology other sciences.
Mental Health includes our emotional, psychological and social well being. as per the WHO mental health is state of well being in which individual realize his or her own ability.
The concept of Mental health having very wide meaning where mere is absence from the metal defects or any mental problems but the he must have sound mental happiness and pleasure with the acceptance of the environmental surroundings. but there are many more internal mental issues that makes the person uncomfortable in any situation of the society and such thing makes the person impossible to live normal life. mental health not a person with good metal health but he must be survive from any trauma and shock, have to ability to face every person and situation, he must be over come form all the hardals in his path and to be successful on his own ability in the life can be called as good mental health of that person. as we can say the mental heath if of then person can make physical development. still if we think that world is ignored the mental health there is no such provisions in law also to give importance to mental health of human being.
Mental Illness ( Psychological Disorders )
There are many psychological disorder which are rarely been identified but it has been successfully studied and concluded that its has direct connection with the crime.
1) Psychosis
Its very common psychological disease where person lost of this sense of with reality, he will be involve in more fiction life. such person feel hearing of voices that unknown voices can be called as auditory hallucinations with the connection of visual hallucinations that it means person feel in his regular life that he can see and hear that no one can. such person holding unusual personality beliefs, he experiences changing precipitation or assigning personal meanings to everyday object. paranoids (unusual guessing of person like everyone talking about me)
2) Bipolar Disorder
Such disorder also been known as manic depression is having behavior like sever mood changes sudden high and sudden low. some times its also consisted with psychosis together known as mania or pyromania (person feel hyper mood, very intense mood, delusion and hyper activity.) lowering mood and decreased energy suddenly and activity (depression) during a phase of mania person may exhibit grandiose ideas as an inflated belief in their own power, knowledge or relationship to important people or deities (god).
Hypomania is a milder form of mania, in which abnormalities of mood and behavior are persistent and marked. but there is absence of hallucination or delusion and doesn't made any disruption in the regular work.
3) Schizophrenia
Its also been considered as common disease with group of symptoms. its long term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought emotion and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate action and feelings the withdraw from reality personal relationship fantasy and delusion and sense of mental fragmentation. its also a group of symptoms presence of Hallucinations, delusions, disordered thoughts problems of feelings, behaviors, motivation and speech some times all problems come together. the most of the age factor affected of 20 to 30 years of age group but now a days adult persons and old age persons are also victim. for examples feeling of suicide, some one killing feeling.
4) Schizoaffective Disorder
Such disorder is found when any person experience symptoms of mood disorder as like depression and experienced with schizophrenia at a same time. such disorder mainly found in the men than women.
5) Puerperal Psychosis
This type of disorder only found in females in two cases on 1000 births. actually such things happened during the delivery of the women. during those days after the birth of the child suddenly mother behaves strangely, seeming puzzled and perplexed, poor sleep, restless, irritation in behavior, thinking center to the child, she may also have paranoids delusions often center to the child. she free like child is devil will kill her, or whole world is devil and will kill to the child.
6) Mood disorder
Its that type of disorder where person's personal behavior gets changes in mood sudden mood turn into depression and its with or without connection of anxiety or encouragement. with the changes of the mood it also change with the overall level of the activity and regular actions, such mood changes the effect over the relationship personal and family and outside. such person also involved in to depression and loneliness. such behaviors show extreme happiness and extreme sadness. it can be called as bipolar disorder.
7) Manic Episode
Such disorder is characterized by the sustained period of abnormally elevated or irritable mood, intense energy, racing thoughts and extreme and exaggerated behavior this person also experience psychosis including hallucinations and delusions which makes separated from the reality. the symptoms such mania may run for a week or more. and person may feel fatigue (weakness), sadness, and hopelessness. the can be involved in medical emergency as like symptoms of shortness of breath, heavy breath, chest pain and inside bleeding. Hypomania is also characterized by increasing sociability, talkativeness, increased sexual energy, decreased sleep disruption to work and social rejection.
8) Depressive Episode
This thing affected persons found with the symptoms of low mood and low energy level the person loss his interest form life and everyday activity he loss is his interest and loss enjoyment at every level. such things increasing from day to day. in daily life person feels irritation, excessive involvement in alcohol and drug abuse. involvement of negativity in thoughts person gets far away from the basic achievement and reaching of goals and he always make other person responsible for his loss and failure.
9) Cyclothymia
Its symptoms like alteration of depressive symptoms, hypomanic episode for two yes, instability of mood, mild depression and mild elation. it increases which family has bipolar disorder. irregular instability in mood with mild depression and mild elation. suicidal thoughts are common. difficulties in making decisions always warring to others to be far away from himself. person becomes more faster and talkative and becomes more sociable.
10) Dysthymia
It has symptoms of persisted depressive disorder, it continuous long term of disorder. loss interest on daily routine, feel hopeless, lack of productivity, low self esteem and over all feelings of inadequacy and trouble in making decisions, avoid social activities and sleep disorder. it may continuous for a year and it affects over relationship, school, work and daily activity. constantly complaining and incapable having fun. but combination of talk therapy and medication can be effective in treatment of person.
11) Anxiety Disorder
Its unpleasant apprehension of state of mind and unnecessary tension such always experience to negativity about the future, anxiety is normal term, but long term unnecessary that person sometime experience the fear and pain of the other person with insecurity. it least more that three weeks, have sleep problem not being to stay clam, shorten breath and sweating, breathing faster, inability to concentrate.
12) Personality Disorder
Personality disorders are a group of mental health conditions that are characterized by inflexible and unhealthy pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving.
Its one type of metal disorder which have rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behavior, such person gets trouble perceiving and relating to situation and people. person not realize that he has such disorder. personality disorder is state of thinking, feeling and behaving that deviates from the expectations of the culture, causes distress and problems functioning. personality disorder has many more other number of types.
a) Paranoid Personality Disorder
Such disorder can be called eccentric personality disorder. such persons displays behaviors that may seems odd or unusual to other, in this disorder such person becomes very suspicious of other people, which person are connected to their daily life and activities. such persons mistrust the motives and activities and believe that others wants to harm them. behavior such like being reluctant to confide in others, quickly feeling anger and hostility towards others. quick anger and hostility are the basic symptoms of such disorder. according to 2017 literature review 1.21 to 4.4 percent people from worldwide from Paranoid Personality Disorder. treatment is always challenging such symptoms are suspicion and mistrust to others.
b) Schizoid Personality Disorder
The affected person having lack of interest in social relationship, person possess the tendency of loneliness and sheltered lifestyle, secretiveness, emotional coldness, detachment and apathy. unable to attach with others living with internal fantasy world, he lacks of close friends and confidential relationship. such symptoms starts from the childhood or adolescence. such person keep oneself far from the enjoyment and inability to tolerate emotional expectations of others. such persons beings insensitivity prevailing to social norms and conventions. such behavior is like to avoid social activities and consistently shy away from interaction with others and less emotional experiences.
c) Dissocial Personality Disorder
Such Disorder can be called as sociopathy. The person who possess such is characterized by gross disparity between behavior and the prevailing social norms and unconcern feeling of others, is violent about the social laws becoming criminal. person discharge more aggression towards the people. low capacity to experience of guilt and gets the profit from the experiences and avoids the punishments. person become disregard right and wrong, ready to exploit others, disrespectful, gain from the others, dishonestly involvement of violation of rights, hostility, agitation and aggression in the nature, unnecessary taking risk, poor and abusive relationship and more involvement in social crime. due to lack of self control and emotional instability such person feels Chronic feelings of emptiness and emotional crisis.
d) Histrionic Personality Disorder
Such affected person is characterized by behavior of self-dramatization, its considered as excessive attention seeking behavior, which start with early childhood, including inappropriate seduction and an excessive desire for approval. where exaggerated expression of emotions is evidently seen and such patient easily getting influenced by others or by circumstances. in that way person always seeks excitement and makes one self as part of attention. he also made physical attractiveness .
e) Anankastic Personality Disorder
This disorder is characterized by feelings excessive doubts and cautions. its also called as obsessive compulsive personality disorder with known as orderliness, perfectionism, mental and interpersonal control. its common disorder. there are also observed to have excessive conscientiousness, scrupulousness, and under preoccupation with productivity to the extent that there is a significant exclusion of pleasure and interpersonal relationship..
f) Anxious (Avoidant) Personality Disorder
Anxiety for the perfection to completion of goals to reach any level, extreme dedication to work and need perfection in smallest details, problem with self identity. Such disorder characterized by persistent and pervasive feelings of apprehension along with beliefs that one socially improper, personally unappealing or inferior to others, unappealing or inferior complex to other.
g) Dependent Personality Disorder
Disorder characterized with immense dependence on other on one who encourage, person makes subordinate their own needs those who independent , feel uncomfortable and helplessness to care for oneself. fear of instability, about job, relationship, left to care oneself. unable to take everyday decisions or relay over others decisions.
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