Psychological Tests to Measure Criminal Behavior
To understand such measurement there is need to know about history of criminal profiling, personality characteristics of criminal and uses of psychological tests in crime investigation.
The object behind test is to understand the psychopathology and personality of prospective suspect who is the suspect of the crime. it give indication of anti social personality, deviant behavior and other factors of personality which can instigate the criminals towards crime.
various types of psychological test are to developed for to identify the criminal.
Psychological tests are basically used to understand and evaluate person's functioning and behavior to provide treatment and diagnosis and to find out appropriate solution.
when any doctor finding out any issues regarding eyes vision that time he find outs is there any infection to eye sights, he uses many testes, suggests medicines, eye drops, spectacles and some precautionary measures then he comes to the final conclusion what to do and what will be beneficial for it.
as like psychiatrist or psychologist also conducts some of the tests, methods, stratgies, plans, therapies, precautionary measure to reach the exact solution.
psychological assessment is the series of the tests. its systematic manner treatment conducted by the psychologist that to gather the essential information about how a person think, feel, behave, act and react, to make psychological report, to make recommendation for individual treatment. some times its used to carrier planning of young persons, job selection, will play his fair role, improvement in life.
Under certain procedure psychologist work towards the assessment of person through Interview, observation, written assessment, consultation with other health experts or health professionals, regular psychological tests.
for example to select appropriate education psychologist assess the students ability to grasp, learn, interests, progress from the tests and from classroom performance. but in legal system need to firstly assess the mental health status of person.
What is psychological Test
Its on of the role of the psychologist to conduct the tests to measures the person's different abilities, his interest in specific field, his cognitive functions like memory, thinking, uncontrolled desires, learning, wants, problem solving etc. such tests are base scientifically tested psychological theories. such tests based on some times pencil paper tasks, some computer based tests, puzzle solving, drawings, logical problems solving and memory games. in some of the tests uses techniques known as project techniques which aim to access the unconscious mind, to count the responses are analyze through psychological interpretation some times more complex algorithms, non projective techniques. some times uses RORSCHACH Test commonly known as Ink-Blot test can be provided to find oun inner strong thinking of the person's personality and emotional functioning.
Mental Health Assessment
This type of tests includes persons his own personal medical history, his family history, currant position of the person with the relationship with his mental health. this assessment helps to identify to identify mental health issues, determine diagnosis and provide treatment accordingly.
Adoptive Behavior Assessments
This tests based on the social and practical skills of the person, to understand their ability to functions on a regular basis at home, school, college, work, free time which is commonly based on conduct of cognitive tests. its just like to decide the future and career of the children.
Aptitude Testing
This is very common test to which has been used to know person's ability to perform different kinds of tasks. to use for determine the area where his skills are strongest. persons may better in quantitative tasks of math's, logical reasoning skills, some at language, some at creative things, some at technologies, some at traditional methods. these type of tests conducted by vocational therapists to know ability, fingd out professionals or job roles suitable, career counseling, for high achievements.
Cognitive Testing
Its mostly used to know persons cognitive abilities like problem solving, reasoning, vocabulary, comprehension and memory working, its more commonly known as Intelligence or IQ tests which also been used in education strength identification and potential.
Forensic Psychological Testing
This testing and measuring used in legal field to know and evaluate weather such offender is capable to commit such type of alleged crime. it includes cognitive, personality and neuropsychological tests to know the offender and about his crime, also test useful for police and court.
Neuropsychological Testing
Such testing can evaluate how any person brain works toward any stimuli and environment through identify any problem and its functioning and connection with crime and solutions. person who faced head injury also faces such testes.
Interpretation of Psychological Tests
Most of psychological test are to be interpreted with the context of their environment, socioeconomically status and physical health to towards the accurate diagnosis and solutions. the psychologist provides appropriated counseling and consulting to mental health professionals to make cure and remove the problems which have been identified.
There are multiple psychological test are developed for the crime investigation.
1) Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test (Weshler.D, 1939; Weshler-Belleveue, 1955: Indian Adoption,2008.
2) Standard Progressive Matrices (J.C. Raven, 1938,1938,1972,2004)
3) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality test; MMPI (1942, 1989, 1992), MMPI, Indian Adaptation (B.Sing, 1965) test for malingering.
Basic Psychological Tests
1) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, 2nd Edi. Restructured Form is a revised 338-item version of the MMPI-2 designed to provide an exhaustive and efficient assessment of a broad range of clinically significant psychiatric symptoms, including, personality characteristics, behavioral tendencies, interpersonal functioning and interests, its comprised of 8 validity scale and 42 substantive scales. such test is appropriate for individual 18 years and older.
2) Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI)
A 344 - item personality assessment that evaluates psychopathological that evaluates syndromes for the purposes of providing information relative to clinical diagnosis, treatment planning and screening for psychopathology. there are 4 validity Scale, 11 clinical scale, 5 treatment scales and 2 interpersonal scales. such test is appropriatie for individual for individual 18 years and older.
3) Historical Clinical Risk 20 (HCR-20)
A 20 item checklist to assess the risk for future violent behavior in criminal psychiatric population, ages 18 to 65. the items are divided into 3 sections: Historical (10 items that assess previous violence, age at first violent offense, family and vocational background etc. clinical (5 items that looks at current symptomatology and psychosocial adjustment), and Risk Management ( 5 items regarding release and treatment plan, necessary services and support etc.)
4) Violence Risk Appraisal Guide is 12 factor auctorial risk instrument assessment use to intimate the probability of violent, reoffending of mentally ill offenders. it requires a PCLR score.
5) (MFAST) Millers Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Testis .
Is a 25 item screening interview for adults for help asses the likelihood that an individual is feeling psychiatric illness. 7 scales operationalize response times and interview strategies have been shown to identify individual who faking psychopathology.
6) MCMI3 Millan Clinical Multiaxial Inventory
A 175 item personality assessment that evaluated clinical syndromes and personality disorder. the purposes is to assist in diagnostic screening and or clinical assessment. there are 5 scales that asset the response style of the test taker and 24 scale that assess clinical personality patterns and clinical syndromes. such test is appropriate for individual 18 years and older.
7) PCLR Psychopathology checklist Revised 2ne Edi. is a 20 item scale design to assist psychopathology it uses semi structured interview format file and collateral information to assist the infeed personality traits and behaviors relates to construct the psychopathology
8) STACIC-2002
A 14 item actuarial measure based on file information that was developed to predict sex offence recidivism risk and race rape risk. the items are organized into 5 subscales and offenders can be placed into 1 of 5 risk categories based on their total score (low to high risk) research indicates its more accurate that static 99. and evidence moderate ability to rank odder the risk for sexual violence and general recidivism for contact offenders only. predict sexual offender recidivism (habitual offender)
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