

What is Victimology

Victimology is the Branch of Criminology.

It’s basically study of Victimization.

Its study of the victims of crime and psychological effects of their experiences.

Its scientific study of relationship between injured party & an offender by examining the causes and nature consequences sufferings.

Victimology is the study of impact of crime over the victim and his environment.

Victimology is the subject to understand the victim and to provide appropriate justice.

It’s also study about the present legislation which curb the victimization of the person and society.


Meaning of Victimology

Basically Victim means a person whose legal rights are violated.

Victim means injured person into the eyes of law. (Physical, Mental and Economical Injury)

Victim may be as single person or group of persons.

Victim also includes the immediate family member or the dependent of direct Victim.

A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident or other action.

Victim may be a person whose property has been damaged.

Victim also known as aggrieved party before the court of law.


Kinds of Victimization

(Victimisation is the process of being victimised or becoming a victim)

Primary Victimisation

Primary Victim is the person who was directly affected by a crime.  

In this Victimisation no other person affected any injury or loss.

IE. A person who is shot and killed is the primary victim of murder.

Primary Victimization is an actual person or group of person becomes first hand victim of crime.

On the basis of Primary Victim its easy to evaluate the injury, harm, loss suffering, Monitory damages, Degree of pain, temporary or permanent disfigurement.

Primary victim may suffered from mental harm, psychological, emotional effects, Including depression, stress, anxiety and fear which adversely affect his quality of live.

Primary Victim is the major part of every crime to decide the justice.


Secondary Victimisation

Secondary Victimisation is a person or number of persons who affects after the Primary Victim.

Simply it means a wife is secondary victim of her husband killed by crime.

Secondary Victimisation is that if primary victim’s injury directly affects the nearest person like family members, friends, relatives etc.

 Under Secondary Victimization such persons are not directly victim of any crime but they are highly influence of crime which happened with their nearest person.

Best example of Secondary Victimization is mother of a child who is victim of any crime, we feels that how her child will be suffered if mother highly injured.

Justice also provided to consider the injuries, loss and damages suffered to the Primary Victim as well as Secondary Victim.



Re-Victimisation means a person becomes victim again and again.

Most of the time when a person associated with the criminal becomes Re-Victimize.

In Re-Victimisation the victim easy target and unable to take serious action against offender while commission of the first offence.

Basically Re-Victimisation occurs in the family, any institution, office and hostel etc. where offender attacks over the weak target form the group again and again.

Most of the time the women are found Re-Victimised of Domestic Violence, Sexual assault, Physical and mental abuse.

In India the Re-Victimisation best example is Domestic Violence where women have stay with her husband even she approach with court of law about her husband’s cruelty.



Self –Victimisation means a person himself commits such an act which results his own Victimisation.

In Self-Victimisation person he responsible of crime committed against him.

Wrong Persons Company, wrong habit, drug addiction etc. are basically responsible to make person Self-Victimised.

When a person unable to take own responsibility or unable protect own self and gets the worst situation of it in any situation becomes easily Self-Victimised.

The best example of Self-Victimisation is some persons playing on road side they may be meet with an accident at any time or drinking habit makes person addict.


Theories of Victimisation

Precipitation Theory

It’s to be known as Victim Precipitation Theory of criminology.

This theory analyses that how a Victim’s interaction with an offender may contribute to the crime being committed.

This theory was first introduced in 20th century by criminologist Marvin Wolfburg in the article entitled Victim Precipitated Criminal Homicide.

In this theory the Victim is an active participant in the crime and Victim encourage or provokes the offender to commit the crime.

This theory is most commonly associated with crime like homicide, rape, assault and robbery.  

In this theory victim unconsciously encourage criminal through vulnerable act, over exposed Action, bold clothing causes victim of sexual violence.


Life Style Theory

Theory says person’s daily life style living responsible to be victimised him of crime.

Such lifestyle makes more risk and create opportunities for Victimisation.

This theory help us to understand how lifestyle makes us vulnerable to crime.

Three required conditions when will occur in The Life Style Theory

a) Presence of a potential and motivated offender who is willing to commit crime.

b) Presence of easy and suitable target either person or property.

c) Absence of capable guardian, protector, supervisor who protect for offender.

Looking different, behave different, dressing fleshy, wearing expensive jewelry, using high lifestyle which came into eyes of criminal to be a wealthy target.

The criminal make separation of such persons form number of persons because they looks separate and attract from other becomes easily victim which criminal get more financial benefit from them.


Deviant Places Theory

This theory provides that person becomes victim of crime to appear on dangerous place.

In this theory a victim do not actively or passively encourage the criminal.

A person if living in high crime area, surround with socially disorganized, bad company, if his family itself engaged in crime.

Deviant places to be known as where lack of education, low economy level, poor malnutrition, highly poor, mentally ill persons, and separated people.

Criminals, dacoits or thefts more likely attack over persons in isolated pleases. More likely most of the persons are try not enter in those areas which are Danger to the person and property.

Theory says the person before being victim as early as possible to leave such areas or be far away from such social evil.


Routine Activity Theory

Due to lack of self-control, negligent behavior and absence of parental control and supervision are root causes of such Victimization.

The probability of increasing Victimisation when person engages or spent more time in public spaces, late night out, time spent with strangers, criminals & drug addicts.

A person having daily habit of alcohol, drug consumption, gambling, easy money making also found victim of crime.

In this theory person choices of his life and routine how to live becomes high possibility to become victim of decided way.

The presence of motivated offenders has target large number of unemployed and isolated Teenagers.

This theory was coined by Cohen and Felson in1979 from the criminological Application of rational choice and focus over characteristics of the offender

Three essential elements of the theory is

1) An available suitable target.

2) A motivated offender.

3) No presence of any authority to prevent crime.



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