History of Pandemics of the World and India.


History of Pandemics of the World and India.

WHO defines epidemics as “the Occurrence in a community or region of case of an illness, specific health related behavior or other health related events clearly in excess of normal expectancy. (Community, region and period need to be explained properly) today Pandemics are not new for the world and what world learned from it. If we study properly we can find the many basic reasons behind the spreading of such deadly disease in the world. With the some of examples we also learn that most of the pandemics came return after many years also with full power to mostly danger the world at large.

Pandemics History of the World

Justinian Plague

It was begin in 541 A.D it’s to be known as world’s first oldest pandemic, this pandemic distorted to eastern Roman Empire, that time more than 5 thousand people were died every day. Such pandemic was emerged when King Justinian brought grains from Egypt in a biggest ships but some of effected rats and diseases were also with it and it spread in whole empire. This plague killed 40 percent population of Europe means 25 million people died.

Black Death (Plague)

After 800 years in 1350 Plague came back with more powerful nature than Justinian Plague. One thing known by the research that about Black Death and Justinian Plague that one bacteria was common that Yersinia Pestis who made deaths everywhere. Near about 200 million means 200 Crore people died. This plague was made some black spots in the body of affected person that’s why it was called as Black Death and this Black Death invented the concept Quarantine because the doctors unable to find the solutions over to live in 30 days isolation (Qurantino) then sellers enter into the city.

The Antonine Plague (The Great Plague of Antonine)

It emerged 165 to 180 AD, also known as the Plague of Galen (after Galen, the physician who described it), was the first known pandemic impacting the Roman Empire. It spread very fast in Roman Empire 2 thousand people died every day and this Plague Played his game till two decades. Such virus spread in the air that’s it spread in Italy, Grees, Asia and Egypt and North Africa and somewhere it’s believed that it also emerged in China.

The Great Plague of London

After the 300 years of Black Death this virus also found in London in 1665 spring season spread that disease in small town of London. England border made seal and all transactions and trade also made cancel and England faced a financial Crisis. There was worst condition found that no any place remained for dispose of bodies, those families were affected for virus also faced death sentences to prevent spread of virus. 20 percent population destroyed due to that virus. The very well-known Children’s Rhyme RINGA RINGA ROSES was written on that time the horror story of Plague symptoms affected peoples, the first line RINGA RINGA ROSES means that ring shape red marks shows over the body of infected person second line POCKET FULL OF POSIES it means to protect from that disease people were keeping Posy of Herbs and plants in their pockets. The Third line of A TISSUE, A TISSUE shows the symptoms of Sneeze…WE ALL FALL DOWN  third line mean we all will die if we Sneeze.so it was a biggest disaster in the London which impact all over the world.

The Spanish Flu

Influenza pandemic that began in 1918. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. This virus was attacked over the respiratory system and it made weak to take the life persons. This flu made reduce one third population of the world till 1920 up to 500 million mean 50 Crore people died. Again Quarantine introduced as schools, colleges and offices converted into the Hospital and medical students worked as Doctors. Handshake prevented and masks made compulsory.

Corona Virus (Covid-19)

Corona Virus in the ending of 2019 spread in the world level to affected 125 countries. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention. The virus can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe. These particles range from larger respiratory droplets to smaller aerosols. As per the Worldometer.info updates of 19th Oct. 2021 that 24 Crore Cases found and 49 Lakh people died at worldwide level

Pandemics and deadly Diseases of Indian History

The Bombay plague 1896 (Bubonic Plague)

Epidemic was a bubonic plague epidemic that struck the city of Bombay (present-day Mumbai) in the late nineteenth century. The city also witness of massive migration of people wanting to escape from the disease. The Epidemics Disaster Act was laid out in 1897 right after the 1987 after first biggest plague the Bombay Plague and to stop of the spread of the disease the British Government of India resorted to drastic Measures like destroying hundreds of slum, prohibited fairs, Programs and journeys and set up isolation wards infected people. The Savitri Bai Phule urged with her adopted son Yashwantrao who was a Doctor started clinic in Pune to treat the poor people. Savitri bai took patients in clinic when Savitri bai carried Panduran Babaji Gaikwad, a 10 year old boy from Mundwa to the clinic after the treat boy was cured but Savitri bai was infected and this led to her death.

Ecephalits Lethergica in 1915-1926 spread in world. Its symptoms was languor, apathy, drowsiness and lethargy (Complete down energy useless) Spread in Europ,Us, Canada, America And India 1.5 Million People Died In The World.

Spanish Flu 1918 to 1920 during World War I Spread all over world Caused due to the viral deadly strain of avain influenza and 20 million people died. Also infected to India too.

Cholera Pandemic 1925-1961 spread from Indonesia to Asian Countries, Europe 5 lakh 70 thousand people died.

Flu Pandemic 1968 to 1969 spread for Hong Cong, Vietnam and Singapore Australia, US, Japan and India. 10 lakh people died.

Small Pox 1974 most of the cases found in India and west Africa, Brazil due to favorable condition. Over 15,000 people contracted and died from smallpox between January and May 1974. Most of the deaths occurred in the Indian states of Bihar, Orissa and West Bengal. Here were thousands who survived but were disfigured or blinded. India reported 61,482 cases of smallpox to World Health Organization (WHO) in these five months. India had over 86% of the world's smallpox cases in 1974, primarily due to this epidemic. By January 1975, an operation was started aimed at containing the last cases of smallpox, called "Target Zero", with the identification of the last smallpox patient in India occurring on May 24, 1975. By 1980, smallpox was certified as being eradicated from the world. Smallpox was eradicated due to the WHO's smallpox eradication program.

Plague found in Surat 1994 and 50 death is one week, due to rats and mismanagement of sanitizations.  

SARC severe acute respiratory syndrome April 2003 found in Foshan, China similar to Covid 19 due to frequent Mutate (to change itself quickly) most of the people died. 

Dengue and Chikungunya in 2006 India including Andaman and Nikobar Islands. Spread due to Mosquitos unhygienic water many people died in different areas of India. 

Hepatitis B in Feb. 2009 found in Gujarat which affected to Liver due to infected blood transmitted or contaminated syringes. 

Jaundice Sept. 2014 found in Odisha Small town found with many cases 4 thousand cases found most of the people died it spread due to the drainage water mixed into the drinking water more than 50 people died.

Swine Flu (H1N1) a type of Influenza Reported in 2014 mostly spread in  Gujrat, Rajasthan, Delhi, Maharashtra and Telangana in March 2015  India’s Health Ministry Report near about 33,000 reported and 2000 and more people died.

Encephalitis in 2017 Gorkhpur in Uttar Pradesh mostly Children’s were victim of that disease, and spread due to Mosquito bites and viral infection it was affected on the brain and paralysis with long term physical disablement and deaths were found in most of the cases. Due to unhygienic environment it spread. With lack of oxygen supply 1300 children were died.

Nipah Virus found in Kerala in 2018 spread due to fruits bats 17 people died but covered by the local governments. Reason of basic hygiene and cleanliness. Mass gathering prevented and basic policies implemented to make social distancing.

Article Author.

Asst. Prof. Swapnil Jadhav.
